Premium Store

Exclusivity at a new level: Your customers are expecting something special - and that’s what they shall receive. Together with you, we produce a unique brand. Anything, except ordinary.

Our objective: To convey the image of your brand to every corner. Perceptible, tangible, memorable: An experience that your customer will not easily forget - and certainly won’t want to forget. SAMSIC is thus assisting you in retaining your customers.

And how do we design this all-round feel-good package? Let us talk about this. Our service portfolio is diverse - you just need to tell us what you require. Together, we develop a solution exactly the way you like it. Sounds simple at first - and it is.

Attention to detail

High-value products, complete presentation and magnificent premises: You are talking to your store in your own language. Fortunately, we understand it very well. This is where flair is required. This is why we specialise in handling sensitive merchandise and discerning customers.

Premium Stores samsic


Your customers deserve only the best - let us show you that we can deliver. With a wide range of services and the required attention to detail. See for yourself.